Invisalign Near Morris Plains, NJ

Convenient, Discreet, & Comfortable Orthodontics

If you've always envisioned a more aligned smile, without the appearance or sensation of traditional metal braces, Invisalign's clear braces could be the perfect choice for your orthodontic journey.


Why Do I Need Invisalign?

You might need Invisalign aligners if you have mild to moderate dental malocclusions. Examples of these malocclusions include open bites, under-bites, and cross-bites, among others. The aligners will apply pressure to the misaligned teeth and gradually restore them to their correct positions. You may also need Invisalign near Morris Plains if you have large gaps between your teeth and overcrowded teeth.

Benefits of Invisalign

Comfortable on the Teeth

Invisalign aligners are super comfortable, and it’s easy to forget you have them on in the first place. All aligners are custom-made to match your teeth’s specifications and fit snugly on your teeth, gradually aligning them. What’s more, Invisalign aligners don’t have archwires and metal brackets that are uncomfortable and sometimes scrape the inner lining of your teeth.

Facilitate Better Dental Hygiene

Maintaining proper hygiene with misaligned teeth is easier said than done. The crooked teeth can easily get in the way of your toothbrush and create crevices for bacteria and food particles to hide. Invisalign straightens misaligned teeth to allow proper brushing and flossing of the teeth, leading to improved dental health.

Prevents Dental Complications

If left unchecked, misaligned teeth can lead to a host of dental complications. For example, the food deposits that get stuck in crevices formed by crooked teeth can harbor bacteria that lead to dental complications like dental decay, gum disease, and sleep apnea. Invisalign aligners can help sidestep these issues, thus preserving your dental health.

Invisalign Treatment Process

Consultation and Evaluation

The Invisalign process starts with a consultation with one of our skilled dentists near Morris Plains. The dentist will examine your teeth to determine the extent of misalignment, crowing, or how much space you have between the teeth. They might also take X-rays and other scans to determine the appropriateness of Invisalign for your dental situation.

Taking Digital Impressions and Creating a Treatment Plan

Next, we’ll use dental putty or a digital scanner to take impressions of your teeth. We then send the impressions to a lab to manufacture your Invisalign aligners to your specifications. What follows is a treatment plan that lays down the duration of treatment and how long you should wear the aligners.

Receiving and Wearing the Aligners

You’ll receive your Invisalign aligners two to three weeks after the first appointment. The aligners come with instructions on how to put them on, how long to wear, and how to clean them. You’ll have to switch your aligners every two weeks to shift your teeth into their correct positions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will Invisalign Treatment Hurt?

No, Invisalign is a completely painless and non-invasive procedure that doesn’t require painkillers or anesthesia. At no point will the dentist make an incision in your gums or mouth lining; neither will they inject your gums or extract your teeth. The process is completely painless and suitable for patients of all ages, regardless of their pain sensitivity.